So how does one shoot an episode of The Hunted? THE WORLD OF THE HUNTED Vampires typically have regular jobs and look exactly like everyone else unless they are angered, at which point they may reveal fangs and red glowing eyes (we can help with the VFX). Those who have been bitten by vampires are referred to as "The Hunted". They are not vampires, they are cattle. Vampires can smell them and will continue to feed off them until they are drained completely and turned into vampires. The Hunted can use garlic pills to mask their scent. They may also develop a blood addiction, but they don't need blood to survive. You can find more info on vampires, slayers, and the rest of our world here. STORY IDEAS Note that contest, episodes are judged on acting, action, story, production value and comedy. So it's a good idea to keep those in mind. Our first step with any episode is to come up with a story idea based on the resources we have (since we don't have a budget). This can be a location, a choreographed fight, a prop, costume, event, or anything that can give us some ready-made production value. For the episode "Con Job 2", I just happened to have access to a HALO costume, and I knew a lot of my friends were already headed to Comic Con, which was a great backdrop for an episode. I just created the story based on the resources we had. If you'd like help developing a story idea for an episode, contact us at COMEDY Also note that The Hunted is more about social commentary than it is about vampires - addiction, angst, boy meets girl, news stories or parodies of the latest movies, twinkies, etc. FILMING I used a simple videocam for our first two seasons with no special lights or audio recording. This allowed us to shoot practically anywhere without permits (I didn't say that). For fight scenes, we just made sure that we didn't break into a fight in a public area. We would typically find a warehouse, garage, gym, or secluded park. ACTION EDITING MUSIC There's also plenty of free royalty-free music out there. We've used Kevin MacLeod's stuff on more than one occasion, but there's also or for a price. Or you can just find a band online and ask to use their music. Note if you use copywritten music, your episode may automatically get pulled from Youtube. EFFECTS ADDITIONAL RESOURCES We also have an assets library containing various music loops, sound effects, intros, and VFX which you can find HERE - Let us know if there's anything you'd like to add. If you have any other questions, contact us at
Good luck and happy hunting!